How Cloud Technology Revolutionizes Traditional Education?

2023/07/24 14:53

Cloud technologies are widely used by many types of businesses, including SMEs, banks, retail and other industries. These technologies offer various advantages for both their users and business owners. As a result, many schools are now incorporating cloud technologies into their systems by implementing school management systems. The adoption of these systems has brought benefits to teachers, students, and parents alike.

However, what are the specific advantages of using cloud-based management systems over traditional ones? Why should schools consider making the switch?

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Cloud technology is applied in every aspect of education

1. Automatic updates

One of the advantages of using school management systems hosted on cloud technologies is automatic updates. These systems are designed to update themselves automatically and install new versions without requiring the system administrator's intervention to configure and manage the system each time. This feature ensures that the system is always up-to-date and secure without any manual effort required.

Automatic updates are particularly beneficial for schools because it can be expensive to hire a full-time system administrator to manage software updates and configurations every time a new version is released. With cloud-based systems, schools can avoid these costs and instead focus their resources on other essential areas of education, such as teacher training and student development.

Furthermore, automatic updates provide schools with additional benefits beyond cost savings. For instance, with automatic updates, schools can ensure that the software is always updated to the latest version, including critical security patches that protect against cyber threats. This is especially crucial given the increasing prevalence of cyberattacks on educational institutions.

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Cloud infrastructure can automatically update

2. Cost Savings

Using a school management system on cloud technology eliminates the need for schools to purchase expensive hardware, reducing their capital expenditure. Schools only need to have access to high-speed Internet and computers or laptops of good quality, which are now readily available in most educational institutions. The fee charged by cloud technologies is usually on a monthly or yearly basis, and it includes all the necessary features. Schools can start or stop their subscription at any time without worrying about additional costs.

Moreover, using a cloud-based system reduces operational costs since there is no need for maintenance staff or additional expenses apart from the licensing fee. Once the users are trained, they can operate the system independently without the need for maintenance. The maintenance cost is already included in the licensing fee, so there are no unexpected expenses for schools. Overall, using a cloud-based school management system is a cost-effective solution for educational institutions.

3. Flexibility

The school management system offers increasing flexibility to employees, allowing teachers to work both from home and school. They can access the system from any device, wherever and whenever they want. This also applies to parents who can access the system at any location and time, enhancing collaboration between teachers and students.

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Learners can study in the comfort of their own homes

4. Disaster Recovery

The possibility of data loss due to malware or computer damage can have a severe impact on school operations. It could require significant effort and expertise to fix the damage and recover the data, resulting in delays and disruptions. However, by using a school management system hosted on cloud technology, this problem can be effectively eliminated.

Developers of cloud-hosted school management systems have already planned and implemented disaster recovery measures. They possess the required knowledge and support systems to handle such events and recover the system quickly. As a result, schools can rest assured that their data and operations are safe and secure.

5. Security

School management systems hosted on the cloud offer superior security measures and disaster recovery services, which are typically challenging to manage with traditional software hosting. With cloud-hosted systems, developers implement top-tier security protocols, including physical security measures, and remain informed about emerging threats and trends to ensure maximum protection for your school's data. This level of expertise and attention to detail ensures that your school's information remains secure at all times. vụ.

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Keep all your lessons plans and students' information secured

6. Ecology

School management systems on cloud offer significant environmental benefits due to the reduction in the number of hardware resources required, which consume a lot of energy and generate heat. If the same software were to be hosted on school premises, it can take up to 90% of the hardware storage capacity, leading to higher capital expenditure. However, with cloud technology, the software is hosted in such a way that everything is used to its full capacity, and all energy inputs are utilized to provide optimum hosting services, thereby significantly reducing the environmental impact.

Cloud technology can help schools in achieving their sustainability goals by reducing their carbon footprint. Reduced energy consumption and heat generation also leads to cost savings. Additionally, the energy required for cloud hosting is often generated through renewable sources, further reducing the carbon footprint. By embracing cloud technology, schools can contribute towards a more sustainable future while also enjoying the benefits of efficient and cost-effective school management systems.

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Help your schools stay environment friendly

7. Scalability

Scalability is an essential feature of school management systems, pertains to the capability of the school management system to adjust its capacity depending on the demand. During peak periods, such as when exam results are announced, numerous parents access the system simultaneously all at once. The software can automatically be upscale without the need for manual intervention. This ensures that the system can handle any level of demand without compromising performance or productivity.

8. Collaboration

The school management system fosters collaboration among its users, enabling them to work seamlessly from any location, at any time. This means that parents, teachers, and students can access the system whenever they need it, and from any device with an Internet connection. Parents and teachers are the most frequent users of the system.

With this system in place, parents can easily keep track of their child's progress, communicate with teachers, and pay school fees, without the need to physically visit the school. Teachers, on the other hand, can share class materials, grade assignments, and communicate with students and parents, all within the same platform. By making the system easily accessible and user-friendly, it enhances the productivity and efficiency of school operations.

Cloud technology also allows parents to access the system from multiple locations using different devices, while teachers can use it from home or school as needed. This system does not limit the number of users simultaneously, allowing multiple parents to check exam results and pay tuition fees at the same time from different locations..

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Meet your teachers any time with just one click


With cloud technology, schools can reduce their capital and operational expenses, increase productivity and efficiency, enhance data security and disaster recovery, and foster collaboration among stakeholders, all while contributing to a more sustainable future. Furthermore, cloud-based systems offer scalability and flexibility, enabling users to access the system from any device and location at any time. The advantages of cloud technologies are numerous and demonstrate the potential of technology to transform the education sector. As schools continue to face new challenges in the 21st century, cloud technologies offer a powerful tool to help them adapt and thrive in the digital age.
