VNG Cloud kicks off the event series "VNG CLOUD SOLUTION ROAD SHOW 2019"

2019/11/15 13:00

On September 25, 2019, at Liberty Central Saigon Citypoint Hotel, VNG Cloud kicked off the first event in the event series VNG CLOUD SOLUTION ROAD SHOW 2019 with the theme "Secrets of Sales Growth". At this event, VNG Cloud is pleased to welcome Mr. Narawichaya Supaporn - Partner Channel Development Manager for the Asia Pacific region of KingSoft Corporation.


During the event, for the first time, Mr. Vu Minh Tri shared VNG Cloud's "Secrets of Sales Growth", focusing on solutions tailored to the challenges of digital transformation faced by Vietnamese businesses in various sectors such as retail, real estate, banking, multimedia, and manufacturing. These solutions included:

· Cost optimization.
· Profit increase.
· Enhanced centralized management.
· Active security assurance.
· Ensuring the security of enterprise and user data.
· Improved customer experience and service quality.

Furthermore, Mr. Tri directly demoed the vCloudcam system, which resolves the dilemmas faced by businesses in utilizing camera systems. With the vCloudcam solution - a smart camera integrated with artificial intelligence, customers can convert their existing camera infrastructure into smart cameras integrated with artificial intelligence (AI) using AI as a Service. As a result, customers can easily:

· Centrally manage camera systems regardless of location.
· Detect motion, obstacles, and restricted zones.
· Receive immediate alerts through Zalo and Email.
· Develop advanced AI services tailored to specific customer needs, such as face recognition, queue management, and customer statistics.


These outstanding benefits garnered significant attention from guests. Additionally, on the morning of September 25, Mr. Truong Van Quang, an expert from VNG Cloud, introduced the WPS 2019 office suite to address common challenges faced by businesses, such as:

· High licensing costs, investment costs of powerful equipment to run the software.
· Risk of information and data theft when using free software.

These difficulties greatly affect work efficiency, business reputation as well as customer experience. WPS Office provides a great user experience with full features to serve document work at a reasonable cost, safe, and copyrighted.


At the end of the event, VNG Cloud hopes that through the sharing of insights from the VNG Cloud CEO and leading experts in the cloud computing field, this event will provide businesses with optimal solutions for effective business development and growth.

